Laboratory for Particle Properties (Phi-lab)
[English | Japanese]



  1. Energy-dependent angular distribution of individual γ rays in the 139La(n,γ) 140*La reaction
    T. Okudaira , S. Endo, H. Fujioka, K. Hirota , K. Ishizaki, A. Kimura, M. Kitaguchi, J. Koga, Y. Niinomi, K. Sakai, T. Shima, H. M. Shimizu, S. Takada, Y. Tani, T. Yamamoto , H. Yoshikawa, T. Yoshioka
    Phys. Rev. C 104, 014601 (2021).
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.014601
  2. Pendellosung interferometry probes the neutron charge radius, lattice dynamics, and fifth forces
    Benjamin Heacock , Takuhiro Fujiie , Robert W. Haun , Albert Henins , Katsuya Hirota , Takuya Hosobata , Michael G. Huber , Masaaki Kitaguchi , Dmitry A. Pushin , Hirohiko Shimizu , Masahiro Takeda , Robert Valdillez , Yutaka Yamagata , Albert R. Young
    Science 373, 1239-1243 (2021).
    DOI: 10.1126/science.abc2794
  3. Measurement of Nuclear Spin-lattice Relaxation Time in Lanthanum Aluminate for the Development of a Polarized Lanthanum Target
    K. Ishizaki , H. Hotta , I. Ide , M. Iinuma , T. Iwata , M. Kitaguchi , H. Kohri , D. Miura , Y. Miyabi , T. Ohta, H.M. Shimizu , H. Yoshikawa
    Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A1020, 165845 (2021). Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors, arXiv:2105.06299 (Submitted on 11 May 2021)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2021.165845

